Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Year's end

As we conclude another year and look towards a new fresh year ahead of us, it is important that we also look back on what we have accomplished. 365 days is a lot of time to do amazing things, which can easily be overlooked or forgotten as we put more value in the tasks yet to accomplish.

Each year, one of my closest friends goes through and writes out all his goals in a notebook for the year. He has been doing it for the past 6 years and will testify to it as one of the most important things he does. It is like driving on a road with no map, or destination. Getting lost and discouraged will undoubtably result. The goals are like a roadmap for life with key destinations to stop at along the way. They can be as simple as "Meet someone famous" or vague like "Travel"  they can also be specific as "50 consecutive pushups" or "Get to my next rank" the beauty of it is, at the end of the year you can look back and see how much you have accomplished. How far you have come in certain aspects of your life, and other areas that need more attention. Like how many career accomplishments were achieved, but to the expense of few trips or vacations.

Some goals will carry over from year to year, but anything written, if pursued will most likely be achieved at some time or another.

This is by no means a way to point out one's shortcomings, but rather admire one's hard work over the past year. There is nothing more satisfying than checking a big accomplishment off the list.

So go through your year, regardless of if you have a list of goals or not, and think about how much you've grown, how much you've overcome, how much you've accomplished.

Happy old year!

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