Monday, July 18, 2011


We live in instant times, we can speak instantly to someone half a world away as if face to face, we can send documents in a fraction of a second and prepare food in a matter of minutes. We can get what we want almost as soon as we realize what we need.

Although this is very convenient and makes us able to do more, we have become impatient with the natural pace of things and often seek out ways to make our time more productive. One such way is multitasking. We spend hours a day, producing more in less time. Most call this efficient, however it tends to be over emphasized and truly becomes counter productive. Rather than adding twice the stress of the day doing half of two projects at the same time, it is much more beneficial to take one task head on with full devotion. This is how you should approach your martial arts, rather than learn ten things at once, develop and build one factor to be strong that when you should shift focus, it still naturally progresses with you.

Focusing on the moment and the task at hand is more than something to talk or think about, you owe it to yourself to let your body and mind work together on the same project for the best results. If you can do that, you have already taken a large step in your training. 

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