Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What makes a school

Throughout the years I've been involved in the martial arts, in both learning and teaching, I have found that buried beneath the classes, belts and art itself is a community. This grouping of people can harbor relationships comparable to that of a tight knit family. Whether it be Grandmaster, Sifu, Sihing, or Student, everyone seems to play a part in your progression in your training and in your life.

In an overview:
Grandmaster provides the art, the insight and the standard of training, he lives the art and application and is a true inspiration for all in his martial arts exploits. Sifu directly passes on both knowledge and wisdom from Grandmaster and his own experience. Sifu is the day to day of the school and makes sure that not only do you have an art to learn, but a place to learn it, and people to learn from and with. Sifu holds the standard of the school and makes sure all students constantly set and achieve goals and better themselves physically and mentally. The Sihings and SiJes communicate Sifu and Grandmaster's teachings to the students through various training methods in classes and private lessons, and are the go to people whenever there is a question a need for clarification or advice. They can be seen as mentors, but it is truly their guidance through training that is their gift.  Senior students are role models for junior students, they often have good insight and advice because they are still in a learning mode and have just overcome the obstacles you are currently hitting. Junior students are open ears to your advice, they are on the path right behind you, treading upon your fresh footprints. Remember, you are only steps away from your junior students, looking objectively where they stand and where you are currently can be used as a gauge of your progression. 

So where do you fit in to this equation? Exactly where you are! No matter what, there will be someone ahead of you; use their experience for guidance, there will be someone behind you; provide them with knowledge so they will not make the same mistakes you did and progress faster, and most importantly there will always be someone right beside you; going through the same ups and downs, blood sweat and tears. 

It is a bond that fits somewhere between friend and family, but cannot be labeled as either. This is your community, your school, you.... Although the path of the martial artist is an individual journey, your martial arts experience will be influenced by these relationships.

Now get out there and train!!!!!

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